1、当作主动词使用时,有需要、必要的意思。2、“need”也可用来作为问句的开头。3、也可以与否定副词”hardly”一起使用。4、Need+Have+Past participle.这个句型是用来谈论已发生但其实不必要的事情。5、“need”也可以用来当作名词使用。
1.Main Verb─require/necessity
ex. We need to help her.
ex. I need more time to finish the project.
2.Auxiliary Verb─question
ex. Need we wait any longer?(Yes, you must./NO, you need not. )
3.Negative main Verb
ex. You need not ask my permission to leave.
ex. I need hardly say that I am very interested in this offer.
ex. We need hardly say that we are eagerly looking forward to meeting you.
4.Need+Have+Past participle
ex. She need not have lost her temper. (He lost her temper but that was unnecessary.)
ex. You need not have refused that offer. (You refused that offer but you shouldn’t have done that.)
5.As a noun
ex. Education is a need.
ex. What is the difference between a need & a desire?